Dear Family,
If you are a Livingstone, Livingston, McLea, MacLea, MacLeay, McLay, or related name, and your families have emigrated from Scotland somewhere else in this great big world, please add your emigrant family members to the Livingstone and MacLea Emigration Registry! (or http://kitenet.net
Please list your emigrants in the Register, and you may create any separate pages you like to provide more information on your family. I can even add images to the site for you, if you email them to me.
This is a wiki--anyone who registers can edit it! If you're confused, just try typing in something and I can worry about the particular syntax and getting it to look pretty. Just come on by and type something in to the Register!
This is meant to be a tool for generations to come... one to help us all with our family history. Come join the fun!
Questions? Email Kyle at ksm6 -at- cornell -dot- edu. I am happy to help when I have time, though I might take a little while to get back to you.