In the course of looking through old Glasgow post office directories for my family, you may recall that I recorded a number of unrelated (or at least not-known-to-be-related) McLeas, McLaes, and McLays, as well. 20060318. One of those who cropped up Walter Ewing MacLae, Esquire.

I also found this reference in the University of Glasgow library

Author Wardlaw, Ralph, 1779-1853.

Title A sermon preached in Albion-Street Chapel, Glasgow ... October 31st, 1814; on occasion of the death of Walter Ewing Maclae, Esq. of Cathkin.

Publ. info. Glasgow, 1814.


Level 12 Spec Coll Sp Coll Mu3-d.36 REFERENCE ONLY

Subject Maclae, Walter Ewing.

Gul class Sp Coll Mu3-d.36

Don't know if he's related to me, but it might be interesting to see this sermon at some point.

Anyway, I put it up here to remind myself.

Jill Larsen wrote me with more information about Walter Ewing MacLae and his family. Since it is unlikely that Walter is a close relative of mine, I am not terribly interested in him. But she has done a lot of work on him, so if you are interested in finding out more, you should contact her directly. She writes:

Having another look at your blog I see you are interested in Walter Ewing MCLAE (various spellings) I spent a lot of time researching him a year or two ago...

John MCLAE (etc) married Elizabeth FINNIE in Glasgow on 06 Dec 1712 and they had at least 12 chn. John was a tailor and merchant in Glasgow and in later life bought the estate of Cathkin south east of Glasgow. There's a golf course there now. John died in 1735 and his eldest living son Walter inherited.

Walter married Lillias SMITH 08 Jul 1764 but she died in 1767 in childbirth. There was a son John, but he doesn't seem to have survived.

When Walter died in 1790 there was no heir so the property was passed to his sister Margaret and her husband Humphrey EWING who had married in 1738. From then on the family were known as EWING-MACLAE (var) and went forth and multiplied, becoming in later years CRUM-EWING and CRUM MACLAE. I have a lot more about the family, including wills, Census etc...

Thanks, Jill! Perhaps I'll follow up at some point if it looks like Walter or John are relatives, but at the moment it seems unlikely.
