This page contains the complete archive of to-do items for Kyle for the FamilyWiki.
However, if you want to look at only the recent ten entries of to-do items, see the to-do list.
Write a Letter to the Editor of the Buteman Newspaper
Hoping to get in touch with McLeas or MacLeas who are still living on the Isle of Bute or who descend from them!
We'll see when I get a chance to do this...
Access the SRO by employing a per-hour genealogist, such as Diane Baptie, Scottish Researcher
Jill Larsen kindly suggested Diane, at, for reasonably priced transcriptions or photocopies of documents from the SRO in Edinburgh. This would be useful for the Examination Roll of Dr McLea.
Add Ian Ross's pictures of Lindsaig Farm to relevant articles.
They are found in email in zip format. K=
Great pic with geographic coordinates:
Perhaps of particular interest for researching MacLeas of Bute:
from Argyll & Bute Council Archives Family history documents held at Manse Brae, Lochgilphead, indexed by parish
Rothesay (including the Burgh of Rothesay & North Bute) 48. Statute Labour Lists, Commermenoch District, 1780-1846. 49. Statute Labour Lists, North End, 1779-1846. 50. Road List, 1782. 56. Statute Labour Lists, Kimgarth, 1769-1845[including a small portion of Rothesay] 57. Cess Books, 1772-73, 1773-74. 68. Indexes of names, Rothesay Town Council Records, 1653-1766. 69. Hearth Tax, 1693 72. Index of names, from Rothesay Kirk Session Minute Book, 1658-1750, transcribed and edited by Henry Paton, and privately printed in 1931. 113. Valuation Roll of Port Bannatyne, 1831. 183. Documents from the Blain Papers, 1780–1816 186. Register of Burgesses, 1779 187. Persons in Castle St./High St./Watergate area affected by the 1831 Act 242. Typescript copy lists of scholars in Ballianlay School, 1812, 1813 334. List of members of the Rothesay Marine Society 1791–1824 335. John Blain’s cash account with respect to the rents of the Estate of Bute 1803–1804 353. List of subscribers to the New Parish Church 1797–99 354. Assessment Rolls 1811 and 1815 468. List of owners and occupiers of property liable to be purchased for the purpose of extending Rothesay Gaol, Courthouse & Office (1831) Ref BR/21/25
Though I've looked at the film before, I also need to look at this film from the LDS: Film or fiche number 1041086
Film/fiche search results Items 1 - 2 Parish registers for Rothesay, 1691-1855 Church of Scotland. Parish Church of Rothesay (Buteshire)
Despite this description, according to the FamilySearch Wiki, it actually contains these records:
Births: 1673-1694
Also according to that website, there are existing Kirk Session records for Rothesay:
Here is a list of the surviving Kirk session records for this parish:
Minutes 1658-1661, 1685-1936 Communion Roll 1835-1841 Note: Available at the National Archives of Scotland, Edinburgh, record CH2/890.
This would require a trip to NAS, though, apparently. Ah, another thing to look at in Scotland!
I've been meaning to send Cynthia Winterhalter and Kathleen Jope Manning the info on Rev. McCartney that I got from the Diocese of Milwaukee (Episcopal).
The Rev. McCartney apparently retired from the priesthood to become a chiropractor, and then died at the Mayo Clinic during some kind of surgery!
I'll have to post more about the Rev. McCartney when I get settled after our move.
There is a reference to the existence of Kirk Session records for Rothesay going back well before the start of proper records in Rothesay in 1691. I need to check these for further McLea references: